22 Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Excel in School

By: Brian Tracy with Anna Leinberger

Published: December 29, 2020

Publisher: Berrett-Koehler Publishers


If you haven’t heard of the phrase, “Eat that Frog” that Brian Tracy has made famous, let me explain it a bit. Tackling your biggest or most difficult task of the day first is how you can get things done and feel more accomplished. Eating the frog first sets the tone for the rest of your tasks and helps you knock out the biggest or most overwhelming item first. Then the rest of the items on your list seem much easier. I really appreciate this philosophy and it has helped me numerous times when my list seems daunting. Getting the most time-consuming or difficult task done first makes everything else a breeze.

In Tracy’s newest book, he writes his productivity advice specifically for students, those in high school or college. First, he offers tips for personal success, then how to plan and organize your time and tasks, and finally, he discusses motivation, achievement, and stress. The book is easily laid out with explanations, examples, and tasks at the end of each chapter for how to apply that skill to your life.

Putting even one of the tools in this book into practice will increase your productivity immensely.


Tracy points out how many students are overwhelmed with outside activities, busy schedules, the pressure to achieve, and the benefits and hindrances of technology. I appreciated that he especially addressed technology and his tip for turning off unnecessary notifications. It was a good reminder for me to go through and do that on my own phone.

Tracy’s advice and steps for students to achieve are straight-forward and manageable. His book is written with students in mind and it doesn’t overwhelm or talk over their head. This book is great for any high school or college student and would also make an excellent graduation gift.

To purchase a copy of EAT THAT FROG! FOR STUDENTS, click the photo below:

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Thanks to the publisher and FSB Associates for sending a copy of this book for the purpose of this review. This review is my honest opinion. If you choose to make a purchase through the above links, I may receive a small commission without you having to pay a cent more for your purchase.
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