Fatima Al-Fihri


Founder of the World’s Oldest University (Our Story)

By: Our Story Media

Illustrated by: Emanuel Colban

Published: March 15, 2023

Publisher: Our Story Media


Would you believe that the oldest university was founded over 1,000 years ago by a woman? This university was first built as a mosque, but then Fatima wanted to offer not just a place of worship for her community but also a place for learning.

Shortly after her marriage, her father died and left the estate to Fatima and her sister. Since they were educated, they also believed strongly that their community should be educated as well. Keep in mind that this was in 859 CE. This was a time when women were not encouraged to be educated let alone to plan and open a mosque and a university. In Fes, Morocco, this prestigious university drew students from all over the world. The University of Al-Qarawiyyin is still going strong today!

Around the world, women today are still denied an education. Fatima’s legacy reminds all of us to work hard, be generous with our community, and be determined to go after our goals. The end of the book includes a glossary of terms, a pronunciation guide, and activities like how to make a Moroccan Lantern.

Every book sold funds a day of school for a girl in Africa through the CAMFED (Campaign for Female Education) organization. Find out more, HERE.

Our Story Media hopes to empower the next generation through engaging and comprehensive educational tools that fill gaps in traditional curricula, fostering well-rounded individuals. The Our Story series strives to educate as many people as possible about the towering titans of the past and provide a new set of role models for future generations. By showcasing the achievements of people from all over the world and initiating dialogue and immersive exercises, our goal is to create a more equitable society.

Check out all the books in the Our Story series, HERE.

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