These last four months have been some of the most stressful months of my life. Teaching during a pandemic is not for the faint of heart. Please, if you have children going to school (virtually or in-person) please be sure to thank their teachers, send an email or write a hand-written card. My job is done, but theirs isn’t. They have 5-6 more months of the uncertainty and stress.
I’m sorry I’ve been so silent, but especially this past month, I have only had time for school work and preparing for Christmas. Nothing else got done and my husband can attest to that. But, I have SO MANY excellent books to share with you soon! I can’t wait!
So, these last few days of 2020, I’ll be soaking up time with our family, catching up on some reading, watching some of the shows I’ve been adding to my “watch list”, and hopefully starting a new puzzle. I’ll be back in the New Year with my annual FIRST BOOK post with Sheila at BOOK JOURNEY and other readers from all over the world. Of course, my favorite reads from 2020 will be coming soon as well.
I pray that all of you and your families can find a way to celebrate the upcoming holidays either in person or virtually, whatever works for you. I hope that you can find joy among the feelings of frustration and happiness among the sad. Finding the joy in the small and big things is what has gotten me through this year and I want that for you too.
Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.
Luke 2:14