Bout of Books

I’ve been participating in the Bout of Books Reading Challenge this week. To see more about this challenge, check out my original post, HERE.

I participated in a couple challenges:



I’ve been busier than I expected this week…that always seems to happen and reading seems to fall to the bottom of the list.

I chose AMONG THE TEN THOUSAND THINGS as my first book choice because I have it as an eBook and is a little more portable and can read it easier at night. It is moving along quickly, but honestly, I am not really “enjoying” it. It’s a depressing subject and one I don’t enjoy reading about. The format of the novel is also weird and makes the traditional reader in me have a hard time with the flow of the story. Anyway, I’m still reading through it and I still have the weekend to catch up on other great books.

I’ve read 225 out of 1273 pages. I said I would have to read 181 pages/day to meet my goal. Well….At least I read MORE than 181 pages in 3 days.

I’ve finished no books this week….yet.

My plans for the rest of the challenge: I plan to finish AMONG THE TEN THOUSAND THINGS and since this book deals with the sadness of infidelity, I’m going to switch gears and read 30 LESSONS ON LOVING. It’s full of stories of love and devotion and marriage.

For more about Bout of Books 14, be sure to click HERE.

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  1. Bemused Bookworm on August 20, 2015 at 2:28 pm

    225 pages is good progress. 🙂 And I like your 4 seasons choices. I will have to look some of those books up though, i don't recognize them. Good luck this week.

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