Last week, Pat and I had our 15th wedding anniversary.  We celebrated the weekend before because I was out of town on our actual anniversary.

I have looked back on our life together and remembered the giddy days, the days of excitement to see each other, the days of only talking on the phone or the computer, the exhausted days, the frustrating days, and the calm days. We are sharing the joys of being parents and learned how to parent together.  We survived remodeling a house together. We moved to a new town together.  We have divided and conquered when it comes to parenting three kids.  We have no doubt laughed more than we have cried.

I know in these days and years together, I have annoyed, disappointed, and enraged him.  I know I have bored him with stories and made him watch movies he didn’t want to watch.  I know that I may not gush over him the way I used to 16 years ago, but I do know that when he looks at me with that crooked grin, I still get butterflies in my stomach.  Our marriage is pretty normal and there are days where we are just going through the motions, but I do know, with all my heart, that there is no one I would rather go through the motions and emotions of daily life with, but him.

Looking forward to spending the rest of our years living it up! Can’t wait to see what the future holds!

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  1. Sugar Cookies to Peterbilts on April 11, 2014 at 2:22 am

    Happy Anniversary!

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