A Precious Giveaway!

As a child and an adult, I was in love with Precious Moments. I collected the figurines, the books, whatever I could find. Then 11 years ago this summer, my boyfriend took me to the home of Precious Moments in Carthage, Missouri for a vacation. We toured the area and at the end, we went…
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A Roberts Dairy Recipe: Chicken Enchiladas with Roberts Cottage Cheese

I was fortunate to receive a promotional packet from Roberts Dairy. They are a midwestern company specilizing in dairy products. This is a bit of info about the company: From its humble beginnings as J.R. Roberts’ milk route in Lincoln, Nebraska, Roberts Dairy now has three production plants and 10 distribution plants in Nebraska, Iowa,…
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Mondays Matter: Week 25

Taken from the book Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways to Make A Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza Plant A Tree -1 acre of trees produces enough oxygen for 18 people every day. -Planting trees remains one of the most cost-effective means of drawing excess CO2 from the atmosphere. -3 trees planted strategically around…
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The Wedding

The wedding weekend went off without a hitch and my nephew Eric and his new wife Ericka are enjoying a relaxing honeymoon in Yellowstone! Bennett did a wonderful job lighting LOTS of candles and Reagan dropped her petals oh so carefully down the aisle. We laughed and cried and danced and partied and just had…
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Today, Reagan asked me if there were grass and flowers in Heaven. I said I sure hope there was. Then she asked if you can talk in heaven. I said, I would guess so. Then she said, Good because I want to be able to talk to Grandma Margaret while we are looking at the…
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Mondays Matter: Week 24

Taken from the book Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways To Make A Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza DON’T HONK! -Noise is among the most pervasive pollutants today.-28 million people have impaired hearing caused by noise.-Hearing loss is occurring in people at younger and younger ages.-The law states that the driver of a motor…
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Tomorrow morning our family leaves for a weekend in Minnesota to attend my nephew’s wedding. Since my sister is much older than me, my nieces and nephews are closer to my age and I have always been very close to them. This weekend, my nephew Eric is getting married to the love of his life,…
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Another Reagan Story!

Just a few minutes ago, our daughter Reagan (age 4) was talking with my husband. Out of the blue, as most of her thoughts are, she says the following: Reagan: Daddy, when the four of you die and I am left all alone, I will have to build a For Sale Sign and put it…
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Mondays Matter: Week 23

Taken from the book Every Monday Matters: 52 Ways To Make A Difference by Matthew Emerzian and Kelly Bozza GET TESTED 1 in 4 teens contracts an STD each year. 50% of the population will likely have an STD at some point in their lifetime. Nearly 1 million people are estimated to have HIV and…
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A Conversation with Grandma!

Last weekend our daughter, Reagan spent the weekend with my parents. She had been asking for a weekend at Grandpa and Grandma B’s all by herself. I wanted to share a funny conversation that they had. Grandma had been working on a quilt and told Reagan she had to go get a needle. Reagan asked…
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