Since 2017, I’ve been sharing a mid-winter post about What’s Saving My Life right now. Winter in Iowa can be tough….dark, cold, gloomy days, snow storms, freezing temps, and very little sun. Even though this year, here in Iowa, the last few days have been unseasonably warm. We still have a lot of winter to get through.
I’ve been doing a lot of thinking over the last year about how I want to spend my time and who I want to spend my time with. After the loss of my dad in December 2023, I started to rethink my life and priorities. Anytime there is a tragedy like the recent airplane crashes, I’m also reminded how short life is. I want to spend however many days/weeks/months/years I have left doing things that bring me joy or make my life easier. I’ve cut out some things that were causing me stress, added space for things that bring calm to my life, and made time for people I love. I hope you find this list helpful and find ways to add more joy to your days.
If you’d like to read my posts from prior years, click HERE. Many of the things in those posts are STILL working for me right now including books (always), puzzles, coffee (and tea), and blankets (Unhide Blankets are my favorite).
I’m sharing this post with Modern Mrs. Darcy and other readers. Click HERE to see what others feel is saving their lives right now.
This post contains affiliate links. Clicking on the photo may take you to a site where I will make a small commission if you choose to purchase.
What’s Saving My Life?

Habit Tracking
Last year I shared a paper habit tracker that I was using, but this year I have upgraded to a Digital Habit Tracker from Abby Lawson at Abby Organizes. Her Google spreadsheets are reasonably priced and really help me stay on track with my habits. It’s been a game-changer!

Quicky Sticky Widget
The Quicky Sticky Widget is available in the App Store (iPhone) and can be placed on your iPhone home screen and used just like a sticky note that you would have on your desk or calendar. You can add items to your Quicky Sticky and then every time you look at your phone, you’ll see the items you don’t want to forget. I heard about this app from my cousin and she uses it for the most important things she needs to do that day. I have used it to list the top 3 things I need to get done that day or I’ve used it as an errand list. It’s a handy app and because I can see it without opening anything to see the list, I’m more likely to remember to do it.

I know I mentioned this last year, but having something to look forward to in the winter is essential. I love traveling and this year, I’m heading out on another road trip with my sister. My mom has been spending the winter in Texas, so my sister and I are hitting the road in a couple of weeks to see her and then bring her back home. It will be great to be in warmer weather and visit a place I’ve never been to.

The One Year Bible
I was gifted THE ONE YEAR BIBLE for my birthday and I was so excited to start it on January 1st. I have been reading from it every day. It only takes me about 15 minutes and then I journal my prayers afterwards. It’s been such a peaceful way to start (or sometimes, end) my day.

Outdoor Lanterns
I purchased these outdoor lanterns last summer and I loved them so much that I added a couple more this fall. They flicker like an actual flame and give our front porch and sidewalk area a soft glow in the evening. I have some that are hanging and some that sit. I’ve gotten several compliments on them. They are solar-powered and get enough sun to light up even when they are under the porch roof.

Morning Routine
As a migraine sufferer for years, I have been trying to really narrow down what triggers them. One of the things I noticed was if I was too dehydrated, I would get a migraine. I know that starting my day with coffee only dehydrates me more so I decided to try some electrolytes, but so many of them have sugar, fake sugars, and/or dyes added to them. This one ONLY has Lemon, Pink Himalayan Salt, Apple Cider Vinegar, and Stevia. I mix the powder with 8-12 oz of water and drink up. I keep a glass, a frother, and the packets in the bathroom so I see them every morning and drink it first thing. I haven’t had a migraine for several weeks since focusing on my water intake and starting the day with electrolytes. I also love that I can choose Subscribe and Save and I don’t have to think about remembering to order them, they just show up every month and I save a bit of money doing it that way. Side note: My husband gave me this Migraine Relief Cap for Christmas, but I haven’t had a chance to try it with a migraine yet…which I guess is a good thing!

Magnetic Clips
Plugging my phone in each night on my nightstand was a hassle because my cord kept falling under the bed. These little clips stick to the side of my nightstand and hold my cord and if I need to pull the cord out, the little door opens up and I can take the cord out really easily without pulling the whole base off the nightstand. They come in a packet of six so you can have them in multiple places or share them with your kids. It seems so simple, but this little item removes a small hassle from every morning and night.

Tymo Hair Straightener Comb
Over the last few years, I’ve been training my hair to not need a washing every day. Since my hair isn’t naturally straight, I had to straighten it every day because my waves would naturally spring back. Sometimes I just go with the waves and let it be natural, but other days when I want it to be straight, I was influenced to try this Tymo Hair Straightener Comb. Because it is a hot comb, it keeps my hair straight longer because it combs through my hair while heating. I can use this on a Monday and not need to do anything to my hair for 2 or 3 days…not kidding. This hair tool has been such a time-saver for me. Using it with a combination of dry shampoo, I can go several days without washing my hair which is better for my hair, saves me money on hair products, and saves loads of time.

Playing Piano
One of the habits I’m trying to return to my life is playing the piano. I’ve played the piano since I was 5 and it was such a huge part of my life growing up. But, in the last fifteen years or so, I let that hobby slide. I was busy with kids and didn’t make it a priority. Instead, I focused more on our kids playing the piano (which I’m happy about) and not myself. In January of 2023, we bought this Yamaha Clavinova (I even shared it in my What’s Saving My Life 2023 post) and still, I hardly played it in 2023 or 2024. So, I’ve added Playing the Piano to my weekly habit list. I am only focusing on playing a couple of songs each week and getting my fingers back into the routine of playing the notes. I am RUSTY! One of my biggest regrets is that I stopped playing. So, I’m trying to change that. My biggest motivator was that my mom took piano lessons for the first time in her 80s. She inspired me to get back to playing and it is bringing me joy to be “twinkling the ivories” again.

Sunrises and Sunsets
I will forever be the person who gets excited about a beautiful sky. From our house, we can only get a small view of the sunrise, but we can have a full view of the sunset every evening. I don’t get a chance to see every single one, but I try hard to see them and when they are beautiful I snap a photo.

What’s Saving YOUR life right now?
I hope something on this list has maybe offered you an idea to bring joy to your life or make something easier for you. If you have something that is helping you during this winter season, feel free to share it below in the comments. I’d love to know about it.
Posted Under just for fun, Life, Lists, What's Saving My Life