Welcome to Quick Lit: January 2025 Edition where I share books I chose for my own reading enjoyment in a mini-review format. These are not books I received for review, but books I’ve wanted to read or that have caught my attention. Most of them have been talked about ad nauseam or have been on my to-read list for a long time so they don’t really need a full review. But, I’d still like to give them some space here on the blog, so instead, I’m offering mini-reviews of the books that won’t get full-page space here.
I’ll be linking up with Modern Mrs. Darcy and her monthly Quick Lit link-up. Be sure to head over to see others share their Quick Lit posts.
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Did you know I also regularly review children’s books? Check them out HERE.
I’m currently reading THE FROZEN RIVER for book club, SISTERS IN SCIENCE for review, and I’m listening to LILLIAN BOXFISH TAKES A WALK.
We watched Valentine’s Day on New Year’s Eve. I’m not sure how that was the first time I’ve watched it but I loved it. It had major Love Actually vibes in the way the story was told.
This month’s list includes two celebrity memoirs, a historical fiction, a Christmas devotional, a Christmas romance, and a much-buzzed-about fiction that was not a hit for me. Let me know if any of these books are on your reading list! I also recently shared my Top Twelve Books of 2024 list and Top 20 Children’s Books of 2024.

By: Marjan Kamali
Published: July 2, 2024
Publisher: Gallery Books
Historical Fiction
Format: Hardcover
This was our book club read for December and all of us loved it. This story of friendship that spans decades, beginning in the 1950s, made me reflect on a childhood friendship that ended when she moved back to Italy. Ellie and Homa became best friends when Ellie and her mom moved downtown due to the death of Ellie’s father. Their status changed and Ellie’s mom had difficulty accepting this new societal class.
One day you will understand there are things we sacrifice for the sake of others. So that they can have a better life.
Eventually, their friendship was torn apart because Ellie’s mother didn’t think Homa was worthy of her daughter. This following passage broke my heart because I remembered so viscerally, the pain I felt as my best friend walked away from my home for the last time.
When I stepped out of their courtyard and closed the gate and walked through the alley, it felt like someone had hallowed my insides and tipped out everything in me. I was weak. Empty. I realized with each step back to my own house that I was leaving home. Their home. My second home. A lump lodged in my throat and my eyes burned with tears. I put my hand on my neck and touched the bird charm. I traced its contour and memorized the rise and shape of it. Until every delicate edge dug into the pads of my fingers and left their mark.
As the reader travels through the lives of Ellie and Homa, both separately, and eventually together, you’ll also travel through the political events of Iran as different men take leadership and turmoil builds. Actual events and disasters find their way into the novel’s story. I was intrigued by the various celebrations and traditions around the holidays described in the book like celebrating Spring’s arrival by jumping up and down at the exact moment of Spring and eating “S” items. So much work, time, and effort went into all of these celebrations and had such meaning behind them including superstitions.
Midway through the book as Ellie goes to visit Homa again for the first time, there is a nervousness and a realization that she doesn’t know her anymore. I had that same type of feeling when I visited my childhood friend as an adult and I thought Kamali wrote of this juxtaposition so well in how she so desperately wanted to hug her and go back to how it was before yet she could tell that things would never be the same between her and Homa again.
So much happens over the lifetime of these two women and this is such a powerful story of friendship. I encourage you to read and share it with your girlfriends. If you haven’t read, THE STATIONARY SHOP, I also highly recommend it as well. Also, this one made my Best Books of 2024 list.

By: Britney Spears
Narrated by: Michelle Williams
Published: October 24, 2023
Publisher: Gallery
Format: Audiobook through Libby
I tossed around listening to this a few times, adding it to my Libby holds and then removing it. But, after my sister recommended it, I found it was available immediately on Libby. At just 6ish hours, it’s a quick listen.
I remember when Britney Spears was just starting out. I also remember her sister Jamie getting her start in acting and the scandal of her becoming a pregnant teenager on TV. Britney shares the story of growing up in Louisiana but quickly moves the story into her life as a musician. Most of Britney’s struggles started with relationships with men she was dating and/or living with. Then her dad took over and everything went downhill fast. Many believe that Britney is truly messed up and/or crazy, but I gave her story the benefit of the doubt. I can’t imagine someone telling me I couldn’t see my kids or forcing me to dance/perform for hours at a time and many days in a row. All without any money or control of what I could eat or when I could sleep. I would probably lose my mind as well.
After reading a couple of books about women sent to insane asylums by their families or husbands, I didn’t think this could still be happening, but after reading Britney’s story, I realized it is and money can make anything happen. I truly hope Britney is on a much better path and has found freedom from all the things and people that have controlled her. I thought it was pretty amazing that Britney’s path to finally freeing herself from her father’s control came about because of her fans rallying behind her and the “Free Britney” media frenzy.
The audio narration by Academy Award-winning actress, Michelle Williams, is superb. Britney does narrate a brief forward at the beginning. Some research leads me to believe that she had one or more ghostwriters, but that doesn’t change my thoughts on this book although I am surprised if she did use them, that it wasn’t more organized. Britney shares a story of her brother’s terrible ATV accident and I found this quote to be very impactful.
“My parents were so grateful he survived and they felt so bad for him that during his recovery, every day was Christmas. My mom catered to my brother because of guilt. She still defers to him to this day. It’s funny how one split second can change your family’s dynamics forever. “

Prayers for the Season – A 40-Day Devotional
By: Sarah Young
Art by: Sally Wilson
Published: October 3, 2023
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
Christian Non-Fiction
Format: Padded Hardcover
I have loved Sarah Young’s JESUS CALLING devotionals and I wanted something inspirational to read this Christmas. This was a perfect daily devotional for me. Even though it isn’t “numbered” it follows a pattern and makes it easy to read a bit each day. Each day’s reading includes a short devotion/story, a quote, and 3-4 verses from the Bible. Among the pages are beautiful illustrations that include winter scenes and forest animals in the colors of green, burgundy, gold, and white.
The daily readings only took a few minutes each day and got me started off in the right mindset for the day. This would make a great gift, just be sure to give it early so the receiver can start it around Thanksgiving. This is one I will look forward to reading every year.

By: David Nicholls
Published: May 28, 2024
Publisher: Harper
Format: eBook through Libby
This was getting all kinds of buzz all summer. Our local independent bookstore raved about it and as the end of the year came closer, it was also making a number of Best of 2024 lists. I was able to get it on Libby pretty quickly and was excited to read it. But, it didn’t take long for the excitement of reading it to leave. I gave this three stars because I finished it and I was interested enough to keep reading but keep in mind that was a generous 3 stars.
A group of friends plan to go on a hike across the England countryside. Not everyone knows each other including Marnie and Michael, both loners and recovering from major breakups in their personal lives. As the hike goes on, everyone eventually drops out except for Marnie and Michael. You assume that Marnie and Michael are going to connect on this hike and begin a relationship with each other. But, don’t assume this is a happy, romantic story because it is not. This is the story of two people getting to know each other on a hike. There is a bit of a spark but it just doesn’t seem to go anywhere. This was much too slow-paced for me and not enough happening to keep me invested or to even like the characters.

WHAT I ATE IN A YEAR: (and related thoughts)
By: Stanley Tucci
Narrated by: Stanley Tucci
Published: October 15, 2024
Publisher: Gallery Books
Format: Audiobook through Libby
This is the first book I finished in 2025. I love foodie memoirs and am pretty familiar with Tucci’s acting, loving him in The Hunger Games series, The Lovely Bones, and Julie & Julia. I haven’t watched his newest show on Discovery+, Searching for Italy, which he refers to a lot in this book. I also went in pretty blind related to his family. I didn’t know who he was married to until I looked it up which now makes more sense. I was a bit put off by how he talks about his wife in the book. Either they have an open marriage and he isn’t happy about it or his wife is open about her “weekends away working” that he seems to always put in quotes with a note of sarcasm.
I enjoyed Tucci’s narration and the many descriptions of meals he shared with his family, friends, and other celebrities. He is quite pretentious when it comes to food and isn’t afraid to say when food is terrible. He shares a few recipes that sounded both difficult and easy depending on the recipe. I wrote down his recipe for a Paloma that uses gin instead of tequila which my husband and I are looking forward to trying since he loves gin and I love Palomas.
I was in awe of his descriptions of Guy Ritchie’s compound which he visited near the end of 2023. I just can’t even imagine the opulence and grandiosity he describes. One of Tucci’s favorite children’s books is STONE SOUP, and mine too. He shares a bit of the STONE SOUP story and says,
I think it is one of the best stories of how man treats his fellow man…but it’s also about how food, not only brings people together, but makes life better.
I wouldn’t call this a memoir, but more of a food diary. He literally takes you through the year of 2023 in meals. Sometimes he goes meal by meal, day by day, and other times he gives you a whole week’s worth in one bunch. You do get a bit of a voyeuristic view of a wealthy family living in England and the privilege of eating meals cooked at home, made by personal chefs, and numerous meals at famous and not-so-famous restaurants around the world. Tucci isn’t ashamed of his privilege and doesn’t hide it. He also warns readers that this book just might make you hungry. It definitely made me hungry for pasta!
In talking about his battle with cancer seven years ago, he offers this advice:
I guess sometimes you must be made extremely weak to find the strength you never knew you had.
If you are a huge fan of Tucci or if you like hearing about what people like to eat, then I would give this a read/listen. Otherwise, you could probably pass on it. Note: there are a lot of F-bombs in this as well in case that turns you off.

A Short Story
By: Jenny Colgan
Narrated by: Eilidh Beaton
Published: December 1, 2024
Publisher: Amazon Original Stories
Format: Audiobook through Audible
This is my first Jenny Colgan even though she has quite a long list of titles and series in the contemporary romance genre. This short story was just about 3 1/2 hours long and even though I felt the ending was wrapped up a bit too quickly, it was still a satisfying ending. I also loved that there was a special relationship with the main character’s great-aunt. I had several great-aunts that I was very close to and would have done anything for. This book reminded me of them.
Mirren is on a quest to find a beloved book for her ill great-aunt Violet. As Mirren travels through England and Scotland visiting bookstores to find this particular book, she runs into Theo, the nephew of a bookstore owner she meets at her first stop. It appears that Theo and Mirren just happen to run into each other but isn’t just happenstance, Theo is also looking for this same book.
Since this story is so short, I don’t want to spoil any more of the details. But, I loved the twist at the end and the hopeful new beginning for Mirren.