Last Year I made some goals for myself and I am happy to say I actually feel like I worked on several of them.  One goal was to read more, and I found I read the same amount of books in 2009 and I did in 2010….22 books.  I wish it was more, but I can shoot for that for 2011!  My To-Be-Read pile keeps getting bigger and bigger!

I wanted to pray more which I did and am grateful for.  Praying for others brings such peace to my life.  I also wanted to yell less at my kids which I hope I did.  I feel like I did anyway, but maybe they wouldn’t answer it the same way.  Anyway, that is an ongoing goal for 2011.

I wanted to plan my meals out more and I did do pretty well on that.  I have my go-to list for meals next to the stove and so if I am ever panicking over supper, I just go to that list and know that most everyone will be happy and I usually always have the ingredients for those items.  We also tried to all eat at the table together which made for some late meals some nights during football season, but I think it was worth it for us all to be together at the table.

One thing I wanted to do and didn’t get accomplished was making more 1 on 1 time with each child and 1 on 1 time with my husband.  Life seems to always get in the way and so this year I have made it more of a focus.  I made a schedule called “Special Kid of the Month”.  I then assigned each child a month of the year.  That month will be their special month.  Pat and I will each have a separate “date” with them, choose them for special trips or jobs, if there is debate over what game to play or movie to watch they will get to pick, etc.  So, each child will get his/her birthday month and 3 other months.  I am as excited as they are and I hope it all works out.  Reagan gets to start out January since her birthday is that month and I already have our date planned out.  Can’t wait to do something special each month for our kids! 

Now, to find time for Pat as well may be more difficult, but I am hoping we can find time for a “date” at least once a month and just other time to catch up on each other’s lives.  A lot of our dates may have to be lunch dates while the kids are at school, but I will take all the time I can get.

The only other item I want to work on for 2011 is getting on my new treadmill!  I have begged for a long time for one, but more forcefully the last few months.  I spent all spring, summer and fall out walking nearly everyday around our small town and I have missed it.  So, my hope is to get on the treadmill for at least 30 minutes 4 times/week.  I know I can’t commit to every day, but I think 4 times is reasonable!  Who knows…maybe I will even lose some weight! 🙂

In the blogging area, I hope to be able to continue to provide you with inspiration, smiles, reviews on great books and helpful products, and continue my Things I Love feature on Fridays.  I appreciate the fact that you want to hear what I have to say.  Thanks for spending time with me!

So, that’s where I am at.  I am very much looking forward to the new year ahead.  May your year be filled with blessings, achieved goals, and lots of time for reading!

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  1. bermudaonion on January 2, 2011 at 11:13 pm

    Happy New Year! I love the idea of a special child of the month!

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