I have embarked on a new adventure the last couple weeks…..Substitute Teaching.  Back in November I took a class to get a Substitute License.  In Iowa, if you have a Bachelor’s Degree, you are allowed to Substitute Teach at the Middle School/High School level after taking this required course and completing a few other steps to the process.  I received my license at the end of January and have Substituted twice and have 3 more dates scheduled. 

I was completely nervous on my first day, not sure how the 8th graders would perceive me, how I would handle “classroom management” issues, and teach so the kids would think I was knowledgable in the particular subject.  My first day I didn’t have to worry about that because they just had a worksheet to complete on their own.  Plus, on my first day, I had the pleasure of teaching my nephew who acted like it was cool (at least in front of me) that his aunt was his teacher that day.  He even popped in a checked on me my second day! My second day I was responsible for teaching 7th grade Geography.  Actually teaching on the Geography of Europe.  Yikes!  I had to label maps and lecture from a power point.  Gulp!  But, by the end of the day, I was in my groove AND I was exhausted.  I have a whole new appreciation for teachers who stand on their feet all day and who talk all day.  I couldn’t wait to put my feet up and snuggle under a blanket that night!

Subbing days ahead of me include 8th grade math and high school Spanish.  I am looking forward to these challenges, to step out of my comfort zone, and to even learn something new along with the students.  On my first day, I heard from the students as they walked into the classroom, “Oh good, you’re not the screw-ball lady”.  My goal is to NOT be one of those “screw-ball” substitute teachers!

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